yes so did you know you can actually run out of room on your subprofile? yeah you can...amazing how much text can accumulate in one little box. Anywhoo- time some quotes- thats why youre here anyway isnt it? most are mine- the introspective and profound ones usually arent- credit is given where credit is due. BTW- have any quotes to add? go back to the home page and EMAIL ME- if they are cool i will not only post them, but highlight them and give you credit on this here page- yes- thats right- you too can be a Jen's Web Page Celebrity!
"its amazing how interesting life can be once you allow yourself to open your eyes"
"never listen to people who tell you not to date actresses...were the best kind there is!"
"theres nothing wrong with taking chances, as long as you are prepared for the outcome"
"pick up sticks with giant poles that go whizzing through the air...oh the fun we have in drama 5"
"I dont think that the problem is men not understanding women, but rather that women understand men all too well and men dont understand a damn thing- nor do they ever know what they want- this is the problem."
"-procrastination is the same as masterbation, either way you end up fucking yourself...words to the wise from Lisa"
"HA! The Cookies are back and no one is the wiser!"
"it only takes a second before your life is changed forever"
"i survived my first punk show ever! Go Me! so what if it wasnt hard core- i still came back with bruises and a possible concussion didnt i?" "only in my life could things like this continue to happen to me"
"~Inspiration may be a form of superconsciousness, or perhaps of subconsciousness- I wouldnt know. But I am sure it is the antithesis of selfconsciousness~ aaron copland"
"-i always saw love as a cave; warm, unknown, comforting and terrifying in one breath where you'll never get around safely, unless you have a light of your own (more from Amy)"
"-the choices you make effect your life forever, as well as all the others who care about you; make sure they are for the best"
"To love someone is to learn the song that is in that persons heart, and to sing it to them when they forget it"
"I hate to lie, and because of you I feel like I've been lying everyday, even though I'm not"
"~i like her, shes a good card, you know like when people say: "that lisa, shes such a card!"~ Chelsea"
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